Goodbye, ICWW

I am attempting to blog from my phone due to internet issues. I work this doesn’t turn out too funky. 😉

Sunday morning we said goodbye to our campsite along the intracoastal waterway in Surf City, NC. We’d had a wonderful visit and it was hard to leave. But, moving on is just the nature of a trip like this.  So, on we went!

We are backin Raleigh, NC for a week.  The kids and I are enjoying a quiet, relaxing week while Nick is off doing work stuff (It is amazing how slow and relaxing a week can be when you don’t have a car to run around in. It’s kind of nice, actually. ).

The lovely ICWW –



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4 thoughts on “Goodbye, ICWW

  1. Hi Anna & family. I have enjoyed following your blog and family adventure since just after you started this trip. We were shopping RVs at the time and considering the possibility of life on the road. We are not quite to that point yet but we have started to homeschool our 15 year old son (10th grade). My wife homeschooled him for 5th grade but that’s our only experience. We are going to use an online Christian curriculum.
    I would love and advice or insight you may have to offer.

    • Hello! Thank you for following our journey. It’s more fun when we get to share our adventures. It’s nice to “meet” other families with a love for adventure.

      This is our third year homeschooling. We loosely follow “The Well-Trained Mind” by Susan Wise Bauer. Basically, we use an eclectic mix of curriculum. We have never used online schooling, so I can’t offer any advice there. I do, however, have a friend the uses a dvd curriculum from Bob Jones for her high schoolers and they love it and highly recommend it. I am sorry I am not much help, but I’d be glad to answer any other questions you might have. 🙂

      • Thanks for that info and reply. I do enjoy hearing of your adventures. I sometimes wish you would share more of the personal side of life on the road. Not the drama of a reality show but just some of how it has affected the family dynamic. Maybe it is just too personal to share but thinking and planning for a similar type of journey I wonder about how will our son respond and what will be the hardest aspects. What are the day to day challenges and rewards.
        I have Crohn’s and I understand and sympathize with with your health struggles.

        I pray for the healing hand of our Lord to be upon you. In the name of Christ, our hope and salvation. Amen.

      • Firstly, thank you for the prayer! It is truly appreciated. I’m so sorry to hear you have Crohn’s. One of the things, though, that I have most enjoyed about this trip and blogging has been connecting with others who also have IBD. I have been so inspired and learned so much!

        Secondly, thank you for the feedback. I have definitely struggled with figuring out how much I want to share about our lives. I want to present an honest picture, but I also want to respect a certain amout of privacy for my children (especially since two are adults and two are teenagers). And, to be honest, I’m still figuring how where my own comfort lr vel is in sharing. I tend to be a rather private person, so sharing anything has felt like a stretch. And deciding to share about my UC felt freeing and scary all at the same time.

        I will say that one of the most surprising things about the trip has been the lack of drama. Everyone has truly had an amazing time! And, I think as a result, everyone has gotten along splendidly. The key we have found is to keep moving! When we slow down people start to get bored and antsy. But as long as things are new and exciting, all is well! 🙂

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